1. When you first start the client, you want to click on "Register"
2. Fill out all the information and create your account and if the account name isn't taken... success! You're now the proud owner of a farm.
3. Go ahead and log in with your credentials. You should be in now. You start off on your farm. It should look something like this.
4. The first thing you want to do is go into your house. There, you'll see a few things that are useful to you. Two sets of ten strawberry seeds, a basic plow, a basic sickle, and a basic coat.
The green arrow is the exit. You can go to town and sell/buy crops and seeds. The red circle is the entrance to your house
NOTE: Before we go any further, it's important to know that SPACEBAR allows you to use equipped tools. Every action you do is done one tile in front of you. Be careful if you're trying to get any sort of organization done! Also, keep in mind that you can pick up items on the ground by standing on top of them and pressing Enter
5. Tilling - The plow is needed to till your land. You can till just about anything land you can see. You can only plant seeds on tilled land. Remember, the plow has to be equipped!
6. Planting - You don't equip seeds. But seeds are stacked on one inventory slot. You are able to hotkey them by going to your inventory, selecting them, and pressing F1. With that, you are able to hit F1 in front of tilled land to plant them. Otherwise, you can just click on "Use" or double click the seeds to plant them
7. Harvesting - You use the sickle to harvest crops. You can only harvest crops that are in full bloom. If you need help knowing what stage your plants are in, just click on them. Remember, the sickle has to be equipped!
CHAT COMMANDS: /world lets you send a World message, a message the entire server can see. Typing /tell <playername> will allow you to send a tell message, a private message between you and another player. And /mp will allow you to send a map message. A message only players on the current map are able to see.
And to make farming easier, holding down / while pressing the arrow keys allows you to switch direction, for those who are nitpicks about their farms.
Here's a planting guide:
Seeds have growing times on them that will tell you how long it takes to grow. Crops usually die within two hours of their reaching their peak. Be careful and make sure you can pick your crops before you plant them! Losing crops is losing money, and you don't want to do that.
Healty, freshly tilled soil.
Exhausted soil. Needs to be tilled before it can be used for crops again.
Growing crop. You can't do anything once a seed has been planted. Just wait for it to grow!
Here's a note: Soil will be exhausted after you grow a crop on it. Even if you miss the picking window and the plant dies, it will still be exhausted soil.
And that's pretty much all there is to know about the game! For extra specific help, you can always type /help to figure out specific details on any of the commands I went over above.